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Can I report a neighbor for constant noises?

Published: 08 de August de 2024, 09:21
  1. Civil law
Can I report a neighbor for constant noises?

Constant noise generated by a neighbour can become a source of stress and serious problems within a community. Unfortunately, at LVG Legal, as a law firm in Lugo, Ourense and Madrid, we can certify that this problem is more common than we would like and, above all, than the neighbours who suffer from these noises would like.

The important question, and one that we resolve in this article, is the following: what can be done about it? We are looking at it carefully.

What does the law say about noise nuisance?

In Spain, state regulations, but especially municipal ordinances, are those that establish what is considered normal noise and what is not permitted. These regulations establish the maximum noise limits allowed in different time zones and areas, such as residential and commercial areas.

First step against noise: the friendly way

Before taking legal action, our lawyers at LVG Legal recommend trying to resolve the conflict amicably. You can talk directly to your neighbour, explaining the problem and seeking an agreed solution. In many cases, we have come to see that the neighbour is not aware of the noise they generate, and the problem can be solved without escalating.

If dialogue does not work, another option is to resort to mediation, if you live in a city that has a service of this type. In Spain, there are currently local police forces that are already serving as mediators to see if it is possible to resolve the problem.

Complaint to the City Council

If the conversations and a possible mediation do not give results, the next step, before a formal complaint against a neighbour for his constant noises, is to bring the problem to the attention of the administrator, who will deal with the issue directly.

If not, the next stop in the procedure is to call the local police to inspect the source of the noise. As a general rule, they are responsible for measurements and issuing the pertinent reports, informing whether these noise levels are acceptable or not.

Legal remedies against a neighbour's noise

If the previous actions do not solve the problem, you may consider filing civil or even criminal proceedings, if you are certain that these noise levels are detrimental to your health. In these cases, it is vital to have evidence that corroborates the problem, witnesses or even an acoustic expert.

Are you going to report a neighbour for noise? We help you

In short, yes, you can report a neighbour for constant noises. However, our lawyers in Lugo, Ourense and Madrid will always recommend that you exhaust all friendly avenues first. Trials, although sometimes inevitable, are not pleasant for anyone.

In any case, if you need legal representation to report a neighbour for constant noise, count on us : at LVG Legal we will be on your side.

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