15 Feb Do you know your rights as a consumer? We tell you! 15/02/2024 Banking and consumer law At LVG Legal , from our law offices in Monforte de Lemos, Ourense and Madrid , we champion the importance of protecting consumer rights . We offer our clients specialized legal services in consumer law , among other areas, to ensure that they are informed and supported at all times. If you still do not know the specific details of your rights as a consumer, we address the main ones below: Right to information As a consumer, you have the right to receive clear and complete information about... Read more
12 Dec They want to evict me, what options do I have? 12/12/2023 Civil law If you are at risk of losing your home due to not being able to pay your rent or mortgage, you should know that there are some legal options to avoid or delay eviction . From LGV Legal , lawyers specializing in civil law with offices in Lugo, Ourense and Madrid, we explain in this article what these possibilities are and how to access them. What to do in the event of a foreseeable eviction? As lawyers with experience in eviction procedures , the first thing we recommend is to contact your lan... Read more
27 Oct What criminal law issues do we address? 27/10/2023 Criminal law In any democratic and civilized society, criminal law plays a fundamental role. From the protection of individual rights to the preservation of public order, criminal law addresses a wide range of issues that affect the lives of individuals and the stability of society as a whole. In this new blog post, at LVG Legal we will summarize the key issues in the field of criminal law that we deal with in our law firm with offices in Monforte de Lemos (Lugo), Ourense and Madrid. What criminal matters do... Read more
7 Apr International Purchase: Foreigners Choose The North of Spain to retire. 07/04/2019 PURCHASE A PROPERTY For decades foreigners greatest's Spanish attraction was the sun and the Mediterranean beaches. What initially was a summer vacation, especially for the northern Europeans who sought sun and heat, ended up becoming a retirement home for many of them. However, the excessive heat in comparison with their countries, the cultural difference or even the arid landscapes typical from that part of our country, caused citizens of the British, Dutch, German and so to look for other Spanish locations m... Read more
7 Apr International sales: Northern Spain as a retirement residence for foreigners. 07/04/2019 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY For decades, for foreigners, the greatest attraction of our country was the sun and the beaches of the Mediterranean. What was initially a summer vacation, especially for northern Europeans looking for sun and warmth, ended up becoming a retirement residence for many of them. However, the excessive heat compared to their countries, the cultural difference or even the arid landscapes typical of that part of our country, caused citizens of the British Isles, Dutch, Germans, etc. to look within Spa... Read more
13 Feb Purchase a property with a mortgage 13/02/2019 PURCHASE A PROPERTY REAL STATE PURCHASE, There are many issues to consider when purchasing a property 1.-Preliminary contract This is a contract regulated by civil Spanish Code whereby both parties sign a contract to commit to the buying and selling the property. If the buyer decides not to buy the property, he loses the deposit, by contrast, if the seller decides not to sell, he must return double the amount of the deposit as compensation. 2.- Resident's association The buyer must make sure that all bills have... Read more