Todas las noticias y novedades de LVG Legal, Abogados online

All news and novelties of LVG Legal, online lawyers (August/2024)

All news, novelties or promotions of LVG legal. Group of lawyers with offices in Monforte de Lemos, Ourense and Madrid. Online service in Spanish and English.

Can I report a neighbor for constant noises? 8 Aug

Can I report a neighbor for constant noises?

08/08/2024 Civil law

Constant noise generated by a neighbour can become a source of stress and serious problems within a community. Unfortunately, at LVG Legal, as a law firm in Lugo, Ourense and Madrid, we can certify that this problem is more common than we would like and, above all, than the neighbours who suffer from these noises would like. The important question, and one that we resolve in this article, is the following: what can be done about it? We are looking at it carefully. What does the law say about n...

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